The English language cannot be denied is at present considered the leading language in the world since it is the common language spoken everywhere. And in my general opinion, English has generally been adopted as a second language especially in Southeast Asian Countries like the Philippines.

If you can communicate in English, you can contact people from all over the world, talk about your ideas and opinions. Secondly, you can travel more easily by communicating with people wherever you go. Ask directions, have a conversation, or ask for help. As you know that English is an international language, which is spoken by a majority of population in the world. So you do not have to worry about being totally misunderstood when you visit a new place or country. Other powerful influences of English can be seen or heard on television, radio and motion pictures because they used the standard English of today.
Indeed, the English language will keep anyone abreast of the times. It will enable him to join the stream of the world culture and to take part in the discoveries and inventions. It will make him more completely a citizen of the world. To consummate everything, English language is a bridge of communication.
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