Mark Twain once said,"Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it." Now, however, scientists can do something about the weather. Perhaps, you've heard about the PAGASA forecasting weather reports. They are the one in-charge of disseminating information to everybody and they called themselves meteorologist.

If we lend our ears to them, we might be heard the word "climate change". First things first, what this term means to you? Most people knew something about the climate change and it is sometimes linked to greenhouse effect or global warming. It is the unexpected rise or fall of temperature in a region. Sad to say, it was caused by our unfavorable actions towards the environment. From cutting down trees, igniting so much oil and gases and strewing trash everywhere you would like to. Consequently, these actions forces to emerge more heart-breaker problems. By this, we are now experiencing intense flood and drought, health breakdown and abnormal rise of temperature. In other words, this is terrible for the environment.
Fortunately, we can still alter this condition. Change can happen in a blink of an eye or a single click of finger if we set ourselves in only one intention or goal - stop climate change.
So what can we do about this? First, instead of trimming a lot of trees, we should plant more trees. Did you know that a tree can absorb a pound of carbon dioxide that will be needed in their photosynthesis? Second, instead of burning so much oil and gases, we should burn fats. Double purpose right?! We are extending our life by doing exercise and at the same time we are part of the
"Green Team" (Eco-Lover). Third, instead of throwing the rubbish everywhere and you seems not to care to, we should disposed it properly. Are you aware that the air we are breathing in was contaminated with dirt and germs coming from the undisposed trashes. Lastly, we should always bear in mind the three R's, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
And when this happen, when we make real the aforementioned, the beautiful, fresh and clean Mother Earth will return in our hands.
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