The shadow of 2013 was finally out of sight. Against its back looms another new year - 2014:the wooden horse. It is therefore, most of us had already started relentlessly seek and build better lives or what they called "New Year's resolution". Diving in this globally competitive and fast changing world needs an attitude that seems to carry the weights of all challenges that we will be facing. So as early as now, think of it.
By the way, If we talk about new year, what will your mind give off? Is it the idea of changing or improving your life into betterment? Or just staying still with your old character complexion? Or beautify your outer image and be in with the 3rd world fashion? Whatever might be your response to this question depends now on your hands. The time that was laid upon us was recently reset thus, signifies a start of new chapter of our life...
For me, as my new 365-paged book was again published, I believed and hoped I had nothing to change...I will just go on with my old me. All I can do now for sure is to
IMPROVE and IMPROVE them one-by-one. Basically, I will start from the very effortless actions to the deeds that needed a high patience and superfluous effort.
Strength Upgrade: Hoping this year, I will gain extra, extra weight. I will try my very best to eat a lot even though the platter of foods that will be serve on me is quite distasteful and unsavory. Nevertheless, I have a trust that this food is healthy means it will give nutrients that essential to my body that will lead to a good body physique. And lastly, I will not escape anymore any fixed time meals because I heard on the lifestyle news before that eating on the right time proves a greater and beneficial effects.
Dexterity Upgrade: Amidst the full blast schedule I entered in, all I need is fast and instant action. In order for me to follow and not be left and drown on the raging stream of tasks, I will be more productive and used the time properly to the point that not a single hour will be wasted. I will try to shook off the ma?ana habit I was doing before and I wished it will never come back again.
Stamina Upgrade: It is ordinary that everyone of us notified anytime. Thus, did you encountered in your point of life wherein you cannot withstand anymore the challenges that was thrown on you? If yes, we are in the same condition. So, for now and then, I will exert to endure more time in the different activities I am working such as I will do advance studying and reviewing of notes with long duration and I will be alert on my time so that I will be getting an eight-to-ten hour long sleep.
Control Upgrade: It is obvious that some of us cannot control in spending our money if we were given. We always tend to spend a fraction of our it even though it is not necessary and worth it. This was the overall concern that I want to change. The consequences rather of changing so is that, if in times of financial crisis, I had my means of survival. Also, it is a great way or precautionary capital in facing what the future holds.
If this happens then, I will consider it as pinnacle of success. But if not, better luck next year. As the quote sa's "Try And Try Until You Succeed", if not today "Seek and Ye Shall Find" tomorrow. That's all I want to say...I'm out of wo.r..d...s.
Nice nice!
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